Ray & Deb's Koinonia
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Fellowship: Koinonia is lives touching lives that are touched by Jesus

Webster's defines fellowship as an association of persons having similar interests, occupations, enterprises, etc.. It is also defined as community of interest. It involves a sense of belonging.

Among believers in Jesus it is defined by a oneness of spirit in the community of believers. (See Acts 2:42) But the whole story of Koinonia is more then our relationship with each other. It is a gathering together of believer's, knowing that when two or three gather together (fellowship), Jesus is in our midst. (Matthew 18:20)

Koinonia then is lives touching lives that are touched by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians Cyber Bible Study
Phillipians Cyber Study on Koinonia Bulletin Board.


I follow where Thou leadest, what are bruises?
There are cool leaves of healing on Thy tree;
Lead Thou me on. Thy heavenly wisdom chooses
In love for me.

Thy lover then, like happy homing swallow
That crosses hill and plain and lonely sea,
All unafraid, so I will fearless follow,
For love of Thee.

by Amy Carmichael
toward Jerusalem

Why we love firemen.
My husband Ray is a former volunteer fireman. Our son Chris followed in his boots and helmet. The heroes of 9-11 made the whole nation proud. All of these reasons and many more have given us an affection for those men and women in bunker gear. These are not the reasons I love firemen though.

My parents sent me to church from the time I was in second grade and asked if I could go. . . .
Click here for the rest of the story!

The Latest
Philippians Cyber Study on Koinonia Bulletin Board.

So you know that you want to spend time studying the Bible but you are not sure what to do? Or you have been given a Sunday school class and wonder if there is a better way to study for it? I understand, I have been in that place myself. On the Devotions page I will take you through a simple method of study that has been helpful for me.

A Whale of an anniversary!
Ray and I spent our 25th anniversary on board the Glacier Spirit enjoying a very successful day in search of Orca Whales. 6/25/02
Click on Road Trips

Birth of Koinonia 12/8/01

Deb from Ray's lens
That's Deb in the pink.

The Guest Book is up and running. Please let us know you were here with your comments or questions. If you are participating in the On Line Bible Study it would be nice if you introduced yourself in the guest book.
Koinonia Fellowship Bulletin Board
